Adam Piotr Kossowski Photography

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Their heads cautiously scanning their surroundings, two hyenas patiently await their turn under the tree for a leopard's feast.

It must be said that hyenas are quick to find opportunity and very patient when it comes to the reward. These two appeared within minutes of a leopard kill. Typically, the leopard dragged its prey up the tree, to the highest branches. As it slowly chewed on its prey, the hyenas manoeuvred around the tree in dead silence. Only the cracking of the bones and occasional hisses from the leopard above filled the hot, humid morning air around us. Knowing that it would not be long before it may have to leave, the leopard gingerly dropped some of the innards below. In seconds, both hyenas grabbed their pieces and loped off into the surrounding bush, providing the leopard with the opportunity it had wanted to leave the tree.

"Juu" in Swahili means "upwards," an apt name I could only think of as I watched these two hyenas mark their time and position by continuously scanning the branches far above where the feast was taking place. Their position was closely linked to being just off center, knowing that the feast they were anticipating would land inches from them when the time came.


Welcome to Africa - the wise, the restless, the life giving.

This soulful land of dreamers gives rise to the underbelly of a beautiful gentle beat that is only heard by those who listen for it. This photographic journey explores, profiles and captures what I hope is the heart and soul of Africa's true wilderness kingdom. From its deep bush to its dry savannah and desert, Africa remains a place where life is represented by timeless vistas that are distilled into moments to treasure.